Diário de um Pipoqueiro

Compare to innovate and grow up your business.

During the breakfast, as we talked about the ability of foreign companies to create innovative and extremely marketable products (analyzing an old and famous brand of corn flakes), my wife suggested a reflection on the subject in a straightforward . People and companies from developed countries make a great exchange between them, both business and pleasure. For those who have focused on finding opportunities, those trips are a feast of creative ideas that can be mined and developed according to the cultural and market of the country of origin. Many so-called innovative products have emerged recreating old products.
Brazil has long lived closed itself, tolerant of their own products and services. Now, slowly, is opening, as has been the target of external spotlights. The opportunity to grow and innovate is urgent. We must stop being tolerant of our current standard of quality and stop to be resigned with this situation. A country that aspires to grow must have that spirit. An entrepreneur who wants to change the world around them, or around his product, too.
If you still can not travel abroad, we do our homework in our own state. This means that if you go to the beach, do not go just thinking of the sea and rest. Note the street vendors, trends, fashion, architecture of the houses and why they are so. Go to the crafts shops not only thinking what about to buy, but also in the updates. And if there is no updates, which could be done different that was not done until today. What is the differential that the hotel where you are staying has to offer? What could be better? The tourist information are clear? What application could be developed or improved to better serve this kind of target, the tourists? Finally, there are many points to think about and this is a great exercise that we should always practice. As eternal unresigned as we should be.

Picture of Toshio Hito

Toshio Hito

Ex-pipoqueiro de rua, empresário, palestrante, apresentador, escritor e mentor. Fã de quadrinhos, cinema, violão e karaokê. Tentei a sorte nas fábricas do Japão mas tive que recomeçar a vida como pipoqueiro de rua aos 36 anos, com minha esposa. Um empreendimento ambulante que se transformou na ideia que revolucionou o mercado de pipocas doces no Brasil, com a Pop´s Fantasy - uma história que foi contada no Fantástico no quadro Tive uma Ideia! Hoje também me dedico a compartilhar o conhecimento adquirido, reunindo teoria e prática do que de fato funciona para quem tem o desejo ardente de transformar negócio e vida em empreendimentos de sucesso.

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