Diário de um Pipoqueiro

The fear that paralyzes x desire to move forward. Ready to start?

Blogs of entrepreneurship tend to always go to his readers motivational texts, useful in the tortuous path of anyone planning to run something with a definite goal. From this viewpoint, to undertake is not limited to those who want to start a business, but for anyone of any age, seeking ways to reach their dreams of medium to long term.

As could be, this blog also includes posts with similar content, but the difference is that he who writes to you has not reached its goal, not achieved the success and carries responsability to write on things that he is not domine totally. Mind you, my reader, and put off the beginning of this work, because I felt chills to imagine that one day I would have to post something like: “I give up.”

To assume and implement a big dream, a series of actions are triggered from there. Investments (time and money), relationships and people are involved. When you break that tie everything around them falls.

I know there will be people who will mirror this popcorn seller, and if I ever were to fall, how they feel? Feel will be orphaned? The paralyzing fear could discourage future great entrepreneurs? Because if I were to fall, I would be able to encourage someone in a post with a requiem, not to give up your dreams?

Increased my responsibility to take much to blog and publicy open my project unfinished. On the one hand beats that fear, the other one gives goose bumps to hear that this blog might be helpful to thousands of people who want to start up something, but afraid to leave their comfort zone.

And that goes for you who want to change jobs, change of college last year, wants to put a stop to a relationship that you just sucks and does nothing, and even for those who want to open a successful business.

Between being with fear
or to risk in that I believe, I preferred to risk.

Follow me from now to visualize the trajectory of a venture. We know what we want to achieve, just do not know exactly when or how we will achieve our goals and our dream at the end of this journey. Whatever this end it be good or bad, after that a new chapter begins.

So, as Goulard de Andrade* would say: “_Come with me!”

 * Brazilian tv reporter
Picture of Toshio Hito

Toshio Hito

Ex-pipoqueiro de rua, empresário, palestrante, apresentador, escritor e mentor. Fã de quadrinhos, cinema, violão e karaokê. Tentei a sorte nas fábricas do Japão mas tive que recomeçar a vida como pipoqueiro de rua aos 36 anos, com minha esposa. Um empreendimento ambulante que se transformou na ideia que revolucionou o mercado de pipocas doces no Brasil, com a Pop´s Fantasy - uma história que foi contada no Fantástico no quadro Tive uma Ideia! Hoje também me dedico a compartilhar o conhecimento adquirido, reunindo teoria e prática do que de fato funciona para quem tem o desejo ardente de transformar negócio e vida em empreendimentos de sucesso.

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