Diário de um Pipoqueiro

Why the popcorn seller has disappeared?

Besides the work we have done in Marilia town,  we also cover an extensive area attending events and fairs. Also because where there is crowd, there must be a popcorn seller. Or at least it should be.

Because the classic popcorn seller is going away. He´s not withstanding the cultural and gastronomic changes for the new attractive snacks which is appearing in any corner such a market or a convenience store.

A long long time ago the popcornseller reigned supreme in the streets, squares, in parades and gyms. The distant look, hat on head, a half smile and steady hands on – believe – difficult art of putting popcorn in a bag at just one time.

With him, your companion mate from every day: the cart, which used to hear the conversations from his clients about everything. He used to heard too the vitality screams of the kids when they left the school´s door as well as saw the affection in the eyes of the girlfriend when she earned a bag of popcorn from her lover.

So many stories trapped in the trunk of the time, closed and without keys, which were part of the popcorn seller thoughs and life.

Some Carts are recycled, anothers “retired” and became relics. And there are other which has been sold to turn on a cart traveling with a paraphernalia of cheap manufactured goods, without crispies and warm popcorn, because to keep it fresh demands attention. “Attention? Attention takes work. No way.”

When I did the idea of replace these two figures – popcornseller and the popcorn cart – into the businees play again, I focused  it on two factors:

1.0How to make the business profitable.
2.0Innovate to Renew

At now, I´m preparing the Pop’s Car (oh, yes, the name of my Popcorn Cart) and Stand sales for the event on this Friday, here in Assis town.
It rains for 5 consecutive weekends and the sales in this case usually be BAD.

Next post I comment these two factors, and how they can be the answer to counterpoint the suspicious microwave popcorn tastes and healthy.

Picture of Toshio Hito

Toshio Hito

Ex-pipoqueiro de rua, empresário, palestrante, apresentador, escritor e mentor. Fã de quadrinhos, cinema, violão e karaokê. Tentei a sorte nas fábricas do Japão mas tive que recomeçar a vida como pipoqueiro de rua aos 36 anos, com minha esposa. Um empreendimento ambulante que se transformou na ideia que revolucionou o mercado de pipocas doces no Brasil, com a Pop´s Fantasy - uma história que foi contada no Fantástico no quadro Tive uma Ideia! Hoje também me dedico a compartilhar o conhecimento adquirido, reunindo teoria e prática do que de fato funciona para quem tem o desejo ardente de transformar negócio e vida em empreendimentos de sucesso.

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